Maureen Eppstein - writing close to the earth
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Gathered to honor the memory of a poet friend who battled multiple sclerosis for forty-five years, the poems in this chapbook explore the cyclical patterns of life.

Turning Compost on Good Friday

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A New Zealander by birth, Eppstein explores in these poems the arc of an expatriate's sense of dislocation through a deepening attachment to the adopted land and engagement with its people and politics.

California Wildflowers
In Hindsight
Winter Greens

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In this chapbook Eppstein expresses her sense of the connectedness of all things, from rocks to human life. She poses questions about our relationship as humans to the world around us - to wildflowers growing by the side of a road, to newts journeying to the clear streams of their birth. She embraces the cycles of life, from the quickening of an unborn child to premonitions of death.

The Quickening
Amethyst Geode

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